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When All Else Fails...Head down to the City of Angels...

LA Trip: March 4, 2004- To sum it up in one word, RANDOM...Here goes...After a somewhat failed attempt to meet Britney (we did get a wave) Julianna decided that since we were in Fresno and that is half way from our area to LA, that we oughta endulge in the LA night life. Anyways, we took off and arrived in LA at about 9 pm. We headed over eventually. And in no particular order, we saw Adam Brody ('GO' 'WHY?' 'ADAM' 'WHERE?' HAHAHA, you had to be there! And Yes, I went totally bopper afterwards! when we we were with him I couldn't speak! Jenna said she loves the horse and he was all 'Captain Oaaaates!'), Kyle Howard (been a fan for years, love Run of the House! He is hot in person! I had a bopper moment when I saw him too, 'OH OH kyle KYLE') Mario Lopez (he is so fricken hot!), Shane West (yet another hot man!), Lindsay Lohan (We expected her to have an attitue but she was really nice! We asked for a pic and she was all 'Yeah, sure, just come with me to my car' her friends had attitude but Lindsay was so cool with it all) Jermaine Dupri (you'd probably expect him to be a jerk but he was really cool and took pix and stuff), Donald Faison (also been a fan of his for years, he is very nice) David Spade (kinda quiet but he still stopped for pix with us), Darren Henson (he was cool, Julianna told him that he was better than Wade and we said something about Darren's Dance Grooves), Ashlee Simpson (looked unapproachable because she was all gothed out but when we asked for pix she was super nice! Jenna told her that she is looking forward to the album and Ash was like 'yeah, it should be out in the summer'), Andrew Firestone (nice but way random!), Sarah Lancaster (very nice, she was all 'sure!' and signaled for me to come up to the car for a pic), Samaire Armstrong (soooo friendly, very nice, chatted about the show, she isn't coming back! *tear*), Nicole Ritchie (she wasn't mobbed this time! Julianna got a pic, she was really nice), and Kim Stewart (Julianna told her she loved the 'cunt' skirt, she was nice). There were also a few celebs that we didn't meet but we saw walk by and stuff, they include: Rachel Bilson (damnit, I wanted a pic! but it's all good), Tracy Bingham, Busta 'I'm too good for my fans' Rhymes, Jason Biggs, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Mila Kunis, Lynsey Bartilson, David Eigenberg and Patrick 'Ham' Renna.

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